Is On-Page SEO More Important than Off-Page SEO?

SEO is not simple but it is relative. SEO is a process; with this process, we can rank it in Google, increase the website visibility, and get organic traffic. The main purpose of SEO is to improve the website’s Authority in the eyes of Google, Bing, and Yahoo. When the user searches for the relevant keywords it increases the chance of the importance of these keywords. On-page SEO focuses on web page ranking and earning more traffic.

On the other hand, Off-page SEO maintains external links like back links to boost the website’s authority.Different techniques used in SEO include keyword research, on-page and off-page Optimization, and technical SEO. To implement these SEO strategies you can increase the website traffic, generate leads, increase sales, and brand awareness.

SEO always happens page wise as your site is collection of different pages like home page about us, services page,contact us page etc.Pick the page and work on keywords then write the content about these pages create back link of off page and on page around the keywords .

On-Page SEO Factors

On-Page SEO Factors

Content Structure

In content structure use keyword .Briefly describe the overview of the content and your content should be informative .So that your audience get more information and your content rank in the google .You need the separate pages for those keywords for ranking the pages .

Optimize Keyword in Title

Use Optimize Keyword (Natural way )in Title . Primary keywords include in it .Your title should be under 60 characters because title tag head lines visible in the search engine results .So first of all your title of the page optimized.

Optimize keyword in the Description

It is crucial aspect of On -page -SEO . Meta description is a brief of your content that show in the title tag in search engine .If you properly optimized it ,then it increase your CTR .

Under Stand these Guide lines

Under Stand these Guide lines

It provide the overview of your content page .It attract your user attention they click your site and this way it increase the CRT .Secondly when shared this page it appears in the social media and search engine results .

Include Primary Keywords

Include relevant keyword primary keywords naturally in the meta description .It helps the search engine in google query .Try to include the primary keywords in the start of the meta description it has also good impact on your users and grab the user attention .

Character Length

Meta description limit is between the 150 to 160 characters.It is best and show all in search engine results .Try to write it informative .

Write Persuasive Content

Write meta description in this way that not only key word optimized but also informative and engaging .Use call to action so that it grab your user attention .So clearly transfer the benefits and values of your site clicking .

Use Simple Language

Use simple language and avoid keyword stuffing in the content which look spammy content .Your content should be easy to understand .

Secondary Keywords

If you have space in the content then include the secondary keywords in the meta description it attract your customer attention .

Header Tags

Header Tags

Header tags are HTML Elements that define the headings and subheadings for your web content .Header tags plays an important role in SEO and user experience in search engine .Header tag range is h1 to h6 .H1 is highest level and H6 is low .It create the hierarchical in the content structure and divide the content in the section and subsections .

H1 is main title and it contain the primary keywords so it should be unique and attractive. H2 to H6 are subheadings for further subdivision the you can use h3 to h4.

Header Tags in SEO

Header helps the content organisation for easy to understand the user .Includes the keywords in the content so that it helps the search engine about your content and this relevancy improve your content ranking .

Well structure header tags improve the engagement of the text that breaking up the section .Header tag section is effective for crawling and indexing in search engine .

Image Optimization

Image has an important role in the website pages .It is a best practice aimed that images delivered the quality that increase the user experience and search engine visibility .Image optimization is crucial for user satisfaction and search engine .So optimized images load fast and decrease the load images time .High quality images encourage the user to stay a long time on website .

If we see the SEO point of view then page load speed and user experience are both best for page ranking .Optimize image in search engine increase the traffic on your website .

Best format is JPEG and avoid uploading the large image size and provide the alt text for each images .Save the file name for images in .jpg and for search engine help include images in XML Sitemap .

Use high quality images according to the relevant content and regularly update your images .Image Size Image Optimisation Make Sure in Your Mind that there are many key factors for image that your image should be web friendly ,load quickly and maintain the high quality .

Internal link

Internal link

Internal linking is a very necessary part of website optimization ,user experience,navigation and SEO .Internal link is a hyperlink that connect the other pages with same domain.It improves the navigation and helps the user to find content so that they stay on your site .

Throughout the site ranking power increase and boost the authority of pages that you have linked .Select the relevant anchor text that clearly indicate the content .Interlink should be follow link to pass the link value .For user’s understanding and upgrade the interlinking reinforce the breadcrumbs navigation .

For Audit the internal link you need regular fix the broken links update the links and add new links .To find and analyze the interlink use Google search console ,Ahrefs and screaming frogs .

External Link

It is also crucial element in SEO .Outbound link or External link is a hyperlink where you can point out you site with other domain .For more information you can provide your leader with access by linking the authoritative site .

In SEO point of view outbound linking with other high quality sites boost your site .Before external linking ensure that you link the site is authentic ,trustworthy and relevant and avoid excessive links .

External linking significant the value of your content and build trust with your audience and improve your seo .

Depth of content

Now content is user-centric. So you can understand it’s important. User-friendly content rank in Google search engine.Check your competitor website and write better content of your competitor.

Schema implement

Use relevant schema on you pages .It has good impact on your site in ranking

Optimize URL

Optimize URL

URL Optimization consist of web address and it is search engine friendly . In SEO well structured URL rank your pages in search engine .Use relevant URL ,avoid long number address ,your URL should be short easy to understand .Use keyword in the URL so that it can help in ranking the web pages in the search engine .Use hyphens For separate the words in URL don’t use underscore .

User experience

In these days google prefer the user experience now a days so you need for this purpose keyword optimisation,depth of content ,image optimisation and internal link .So google check that your content is relevant about user equerry. Here is important that user get answer from your page or not .So keep in your mind that content is more important .

CTR Optimization

CTR is necessary for digital marketing efforts and use for campaigns,online advertisement ,and SERPs. Click Through Ratio is a ratio of click and calculated it with clicks /impression *100 . For best content and ads you can get higher CTR for your website .

For best search engine results create title tag in which include target keywords ,write clear meta description. Summarize your content using CTA . Schema markup use for rich snippets .For improving the CTR use google search console tool and social media .Use heatmap tool Hotjar and Crazy Egg to understand the user behaviour .

Regular audit your content for different changes with industry trends stay updated .

Page loading speed

Over all website performance ,SEO and user experience it is a censorious factor.For low bounce rate faster load page is necessary .In this way you can get higher engagement and better transformation rates .

Faster load page upgrade the user engagement . It increase the conversion rate and Google use page speed for ranking factors .For measuring the speed use page speed insight GTmetrix ,pingdom etc. these analyze the page speed tools.

Image optimization is crucial part for page speed .For this purpose use TinyPNG,JPEG and software use like Photoshop,canva for high quality images and save the image in jpeg .Remove the unnecessary code ,reduce the numbers of HTTP request in java and CSS files.Check extra style plugin and deactivate all unnecessary plugin .Use fast hosting and optimize your data base queries and reduce cache memory .

Engagement Rate

When you upload social media post or run campaign for marketing then evaluate the effectiveness of your content engagement rate work as a metric key .It measure the interaction of your audience and analyze how many resonate with it .You can understand that how many user interact your content and estimate it how many likes,comments ,shares ,retweets ,saves and clicks .

Engagement Rate =Total Engagements *100 / Total Impression

By Followers: Engagement Rate =Total Engagements *100 / Total Followers

By Websites: Engagement Rate =Total Engagements *100 / Total page view

You can use these formula for measurement of the engagement rate .

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